Then during the week we walk into the house, and what I saw still shocks me to this day. First I see the normal 2 or 3 roosters walking around, but then out of nowhere this gigantic dinosaur looking thing walks in too. I'm just sitting there shocked, and i look a little closer and the freaking thing was a duck! It was like the child of a duck and a dinosaur. So this duckzilla thing, while i'm minding my own business, starts coming over to me. I make a gesture for it to walk away, and that thing literally grew spikes from like the top of its head down the back of his neck. I can't explain how it did that, but i swear, this 2 or three foot tall duck, grew spikes. now at this time i'm just like, i'm not about to be eaten by a freaking duck today, so i just started backing up, until the spikes went down and it resumed it's normal duck life. Then i felt it was safe to return to my normal missionary life.
Also this week, we had splits with the zone leaders, and i had an actual SHOWER THAT HAD HOT WATER. I forgot how much i missed those, it was amazing. I definitely had taken a lot of things for granted when i was home. anyways, that's all for this week.
-Elder Case