I know that every single missionary and friend is probably sugesting talks to listen too from general conference, so i definitely won't suggest that you listen to the talk given by Elder Gary B Sabin about standing up inside and giving it your all.
This week we were contacting a lot. I told my companion that we should contact people in an area called El Dorado, where all of the wealthier people in our area live. My comapnion told me it would be a waste because they were all pretty hard hearted, but we went anyways. We contacted three doors and ran out of time because each door we knocked on, let us in, and let us teach one of the lessons. Afterwards, my companion aplogizes and tell me El Dorado will be gold. Also, while we were contacting the other day, we ran into an athiest who doesn't believe in God or anything. That took me by surprise, especially being in Honduras, where every single person is either Catholic or Evangelico. It'll be interesting to see how things turn out there, we have an appointment with her later today.
Another great week down in Honduras.