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Capitulo 3- Christmas in Guatemala

Well three weeks down in the MTC. this week was a pretty sad week because all of the latinos that we got really close to are now leaving to their mission areas. however, christmas was a lot better than i expected. well i didnt really know what to expect, but it wasnt that. Christmas in guatemala is celebrated mostly on christmas eve, so all of our teachers left early to be with their families and left us all to just hang out with eachother. the president of the MTC orchestrated a scavanger hunt for all of the districts here to participate in. it was a lot of fun and afterwards, we were all given individual presents.

this past wekk i have made a lot more progress with my spanish. when the latino elders were saying goodbye to me, they were tellig me that when i first got here that i spoke no spanish, and that i couldnt understand them at all, which was completely true. then they said that now i know so much spanish and its crazy that i progressed so much in 3 weeks. of course they said this all in spanish and i understood every last word, so ive gotten pretty good if i go say so myself haha. the gift of tongues is real. im sure everything will change when i get out to honduras and the first person tries to talk to me, im sure i wont understand a word, but i know if i keep trying, i will.

im really sorry, i dont have much time to write today, theyll be taking us out to a market today and take us out to eat at wendy´s, so im sure today will be a great day. also, i hear the market is like a gigantic swap meet, so ill tell you guys about it next week. 

thats all for this week,
sincerely, Elder Case